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  1. Feb 15, 16
    • Matthias Van Baelen

    On 2 and 3 February 2016, the SIGGS Project organised its Mid-term Conference. The Conference was hosted by the NOC of Portugal. Holding the Mid-term Conference exactly one year after the Kick-off meeting was an excellent opportunity for the Project Management to present the state of progress of the SIGGS project. The two day-meeting gathered representatives of all partners of the project as well as guests from European and International federations and EU institutions.

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  2. Feb 05, 16
    • Matthias Van Baelen

    On 2 and 3 February 2016, representatives of the SIGGS Steering Committee (SteerCo) met with delegates from the NOC of Portugal and the NOC of Lithuania with the aim to prepare the organisation of the SIGGS National Strategic Workshops in these two countries.

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  3. Jan 29, 16
    • Matthias Van Baelen

    Just one more week to the SIGGS Mid-term Conference. The Conference is hosted by the National Olympic Committee of Portugal in Lisbon on 3-4 February. Exactly one year after the Kick-off meeting, it is an excellent occasion to discuss what has been achieved and what can be developed in the final year of the project.

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  4. Jul 17, 15
    • Matthias Van Baelen

    Last week, the third meeting of the SIGGS Steering Committee (SteerCo) took place in Brussels. This third meeting brought together all project partners in the EOC EU Office to discuss the progress of the self-evaluation tool and the further steps in the project. Several National Olympic Committees (NOCs) had also sent their national expert as a representative.

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  5. Jul 03, 15
    • Matthias Van Baelen

    The SIGGS Project team is currently collecting good practice examples. These examples will be used to feed into the self-evaluation tool and to provide guidance to sport organisations later on. The examples can therefore serve as a source of inspiration for others.

    In particular, we are looking for good practice examples for implementing the four key principles of the project:

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  6. Jun 11, 15
    • Matthias Van Baelen

    The SIGGS Project Management is happy to announce that it has found an agreement with Symantra Consulting sprl for the development of the SIGGS Self-evaluation tool.

    The offer provided by Symantra, a company based in Brussels with experience in consulting on Digital Strategy, Telecom and Public Policy, fits very well with the requirements and expectations of the project consortium. In concrete, Symantra will further develop and customise one of its existing software platforms called Novagov. This platform is designed to be a collaborative decision-making and voting e-platform.

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  7. Apr 29, 15
    • Matthias Van Baelen

    On 27 April, the second meeting of the Steering Committee of the SIGGS Project took place in the EOC EU Office in Brussels. The meeting was attended by representatives of the UCL, EOSE, the Leadership Academy of DOSB, the Belgian Olympic Committee (BOIC/COIB), the Turkish Olympic Committee and the EOC EU Office.

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  8. Feb 09, 15
    • Wolke7Hoch2

    On 4 February, the SIGGS Project organised its Kick-off meeting in Arnhem, the Netherlands. The event, hosted by the NOC*NSF, was the official start of the SIGGS Project which will run until December 2016. It brought together over 25 representatives from the 12 different project partners. The SIGGS Project is managed by the EOC EU Office and supported by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Sports Programme. 

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  9. Feb 02, 15
    • Wolke7Hoch2

    In the run-up to the Kick-off Meeting of the SIGGS Project on 4 February 2015 in Arnhem, the official project website has been launched. With the website in place, the SIGGS Project is now ready to start the project activities which will last until December 2016.

    The website will provide some general information on the project such as the objectives and a description of the project consortium. Furthermore, recent news as well as a download section should allow visitors to follow the project closely and engage in the different activities.

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  10. Jan 26, 15
    • Wolke7Hoch2

    The project “Support the Implementation of Good Governance in Sport” (SIGGS), managed by the EOC EU Office has been selected by the European Commission for EU co-funding under the Erasmus+ Sports Programme. This decision was published on Friday 5 December. The SIGGS Project will run for two years and will start in January 2015.

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